Your Genes are Not Your Destiny
Genes are just bits of data that help us navigate through life. Ninety-nine percent of our genes are the same for both of us.
Our identity is defined by a 1% difference, which is referred to as genetic expression or genome. Surprisingly, it is just this 1%. that is responsible for diseases that we confront today. We felt that because scientific and molecular science had developed to the point that we could analyze an individuals DNA, we would be able to answer the enigma of most illness management. However, further investigation revealed a different scenario. We have migrating populations of strangers residing inside our bodies, which are referred to as microorganisms (bacteria and fungus). This research has uncovered even another mystery: these bacteria exceed human genetic expression by a factor of 150 to one gene.
So, for a smooth survival, you must fuel all of these billions of cells without fail. This has demonstrated that germs and our fate are inextricably linked. As a result, we must live in order to keep these microorganisms alive by promoting the long life of individual cells units. So, in order to maintain our health, we must consume not only for our genes, but also for their expression, which shapes our lives. Genome or genetic expression is the term for this type of genetic expression.